Book and pay online option:

Booking Online

Booking online is fast, simple and convenient alternative to booking by phone, taking only three or four minutes.

  • Simply click on the link below and you will be taken to an appointment calendar where you can choose a time to suit you. Note: If wishing to book for current day please phone us first.
  • You will then be transferred to Paypal where you will be given the option to pay by credit/debit card with or without joining Paypal.
  • That's It! You will then be emailed your payment acceptance, booking confirmation and all the details you will need.


Important: If for any reason the payment process is not completed your appointment time will be cancelled automatically.

After payment
You will immediately be sent an email (to the email address given to Paypal) confirming your payment and appointment details. This will include all the information you need such as our address, phone number and directions. If any problems arise call us on 0208 840 9634
If you need to cancel or change your appointment please call us on 0208 840 9634 and we will arrange an immediate refund. 24 hours notice essential. We cannot accept changes or cancellations by email.

PLEASE NOTE: Quit Smoking Clinic sessions are led by Robert Matthews, Mike Fulton and Danielle Phillips, who are members of The British Society of Clinical Hypnosis The BSCH is a professional body of hypnotherapists whose aim is to promote and assure high standards in the profession of hypnotherapy.